Tuesday, August 25, 2015

08-25-15 The First Day

Dear sweet girl,

Today was your first day of kindergarten. I could tell you were nervous because you got up super early and wandered into my room asking to cuddle with me. Then you barely ate breakfast. You kept saying your stomach was full, but I imagine there were quite a few butterflies dancing in your tummy. You picked out a beautiful blue dress and let me brush your hair. Then you rode on your scooter as you waited for the bus to arrive. At that moment you seemed so incredibly big and small at the same time. Big because you have grown over the summer, your arms and legs have lengthened and thinned. But small because your backpack hung off your shoulders dwarfing your petit frame. 

You were excited to realize you would be riding the same bus as a neighbor girl... The same girl you stand in awe of every time she passes. When you finally saw the bus, you once again became timid and clung to your daddy. I'm scared, Daddy! But as the doors opened and the other kids boarded you took your daddy's hand and walked towards the steps. You stepped up, let go, and didn't look back. And so began your first day. 

I worked a short day today so that I could see you get off the bus. When the doors opened and the kids piled out I waited to see your face. When you jumped down you ran to my arms and held on as the bus drove off. And then you started talking! You told me all about your teacher and that you got to go to the library and you made lots of friends. You smiled and laughed all evening. 

By bedtime you were exhausted and a little fussy. This new schedule will take some getting used to for all of us. Welcome home little one! 

Rest. Sleep. Dream. 
Tomorrow is a new day. 



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