Wednesday, November 25, 2015

11-25-15 Thanksgiving Eve

It's quiet in the house right now. Tim is putting the big kids to bed and Baby E is still asleep in his car seat. It is rare for us to all be together on a weeknight and I am enjoying the feeling of having my family all under the roof at once. I am also grateful for the break in bedtime duties! 

I thought I'd take a few minutes to list what I'm thankful for this year. (I considered leaving it for tomorrow, but feared the turkey hangover will get the best of me!)

- My husband. Tim and I are going on eight years of marriage in just a few days. We've been together for ten years.
- My kids. They bring adventure to each of my days.
- My parents. Tomorrow they will celebrate their 38th wedding anniversary!
- My house. This time last year we were shivering through the cold nights at the farm house.
- My job. I work with some pretty talented and wonderful people! 
- Tim's job. It may be a long commute, but he enjoys the work.
- My sister. My partner in crime since we were kids.
- Tim's family. I love the big support network that comes with a large family. Having built in friendships is a lovely thing indeed! 
- The people who watch our kids. We have an amazing team of people that watch our children. We feel confident that they are loved and protected in our absence,
- Our church. We belong to an amazing body of believers. There are literally hundreds of people in our community that come together and meet regularly, encouraging one another.
- My God. Without whom nothing above would exist.